Saturday, February 1, 2014

Join Jessica Sporn for a Week-Long Scavenger Hunt -- for Chances to Win Free Stencils!

Follow the link below to read the introduction (with full explanation) to Jessica's fun plans for the coming week --

-- and while there, subscribe to her blog, so you can have convenient reminders of each day's new challenge! 

This is the kind of activity I enjoy -- it means sharpening the skills of observation and that's good medicine for all of us, especially those of us who are ... ahem ... past a certain age.  I look forward to keeping my brain cells jumping with this fun event Jessica has created!  Many thanks to you, Jessica!

BTW, here is a link to my favorite stencil of Jessica's --

-- and if you ask how I know it's my favorite design of hers, I'll go red in the face and admit I have now ordered it twice!  Well, at least I have consistent good taste!  (Notice how this ties in with what I said earlier ... about the brain cells having passed a certain age ...?)