Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Waste Nothing! Put Scraps to Work!
Scraps! Often I like to explore by cutting stencil-prints into pieces, creating a pile of scraps, then putting them together in new ways.
I've posted on this
. And
. And
. And
. Directly below, I'm showing just one example from those earlier posts:
Well, it's happened again! In my post of January 4, I showed a couple of assemblage sheets created with scraps cut from prints made with
Looking Up Through Trees
Here are a couple additional of these assemblages --
And I've explored more design combinations, using either these or similar sheets that've piled up, over time....
The houses idea, shown directly above, isn't original with me. I once saw a similar example somewhere else, and decided it would be fun to try it myself. It's mostly a matter of cutting assemblage sheets into squares and triangles, then assembling them. I used a couple of different permanent markers to draw in doors and windows. Before gluing them down, I provided a partial background in a neutral color. My goal with the background was to give unity to the overall composition.
Thanks for coming here today!
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