Saturday, January 4, 2020
Wild and Crazy Images created with LOOKING UP THROUGH TREES Stencil
In the old days, when I took photography classes with a camera that -- gasp! -- used film, one topic of study was depth of field. An exercise
under that topic was to take photos showing foregrounds mostly in focus, middle grounds fully in focus, and backgrounds in hazy focus.
I decided to play around with this idea using one of several collages that I'd assembled by piecing together
-outs from prints made with my 9" x 12" mask
Looking Up Through Trees
, a mask that
was suggested by StencilGirl's Carol Baxter and inspired by Chris Tomlin's YouTube video "Nobody Loves Me Like You."
9" x 12" stencil
Looking Up Through Trees
First, one of those collages:
Now, two of
my depth-of-field shots (taken with my digital camera):
Taking depth-of-field photos of artwork is easy. Just place the art on its back on a flat surface. Then bend low with your camera/smartphone; sometimes you may even want to prop it up on the same surface as the art. Tilt the camera/smartphone -- so you're shooting from an angle. And click! All there is to it!
I could have gone on all day taking those shots, but I wanted to get back to making stencil-prints....
A lot of my prints have been cropped, as shown in many of the above photos, so I can use the top halves as abstract pieces to further cut up, then use in large collages. Looking at the top of each print, by itself, you'd never know what's being represented. And that's what I love about abstraction. Mystery!
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