Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Ivy Stencils

This is the time of year when the ivy in our yard and in our container gardens shakes off winter to send out new shoots of a new-growth color that I call "baby green."

Above:  a close-up of English ivy in our backyard. 

Long ago, I pressed some ivy-stem-and-leaf-cuttings till they had dried.  Then I scanned them into my Photoshop program.  From there, they made the trip to becoming stencils...

Above:  Ivy Frame 9 Stencil (9" x 12")

Above:  Ivy Frame 6 (6" x 6")

Above:  Ivy 6 Stencil (6" x 6")

Above:  Ivy 9 Stencil (9" x 12")

Recently I pulled out the ivy series stencils to make prints using them with acrylic paints.  Then the prints went on to be greeting card covers...

... and for two these cards, I created matching envelopes ...

... and finally, one of the full-size prints became an art journal page background --

Thanks for visiting this blog today!

To scroll thru the pages of my StencilGirl stencils and masks, please start here.