Sunday, July 12, 2020
Film Festival to Celebrate the Birthday of the Original StencilGirl, Mary Beth Shaw!
I'm happy to take part in a huge film festival celebrating the birthday of the original StencilGirl, MaryBeth Shaw!
You can have access to the whole video collection
And/or you can watch my video
For this video I used my 9" x 12" mask
Clustered Leaves
Below, a parade of prints made with the scraping method featured in my film:
Below, a collage on stretched canvas created using stencil- and mask-painted papers as well as other papers:
The vertical rectangle running down the right side of the above collage
was printed with
my 9" x 12" mask
Clustered Leaves
using the video's scrape technique. I flipped this section sideways to give a better view of that paper; below, it appears as a band across the bottom.
Most of the other papers were printed with my 9" x 12" mask
Looking Up Through Trees
, which looks like this...
Below, a collage-in-progress, being developed with mask- and stencil-printed papers and other painted papers:
Above: The focal point is cut from one of the prints shown a little earlier in this post. It, too, was printed with
my 9" x 12" mask
Clustered Leaves
Along the bottom are two smaller papers, both cut from a print I'd made using 6" x 6"
Ski Lift Works
Thanks for stopping here today! Enjoy the StencilGirl Film Festival!
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