Wednesday, July 15, 2020
6" x 6" s793 LOOKING UP THROUGH TREES Mask, Plus a Unique "Ring"
Before launching into today's post about my new 6" x 6" mask
Looking Up Through Trees Small
, I'm excited to share news of something that I've just discovered. I'm not into fabric arts myself, but I gather that a number of us art enthusiasts are dabbling both in the fabric arts and paper arts. For those focusing on the fabric arts, here's
a gem-of-a-find. Ta-da! -- it's a
Cutterz Ring
. It strikes me as such a creative and brilliant idea that I just had to give its mention top priority today!
Now, on with the show!
When it arrives in its original package, the 6" x 6" mask
Looking Up Through Trees
looks like this --
6" x 6"
Looking Up Through Trees
But once it reaches my hands, like many of my other masks and stencils, it's liberated from its outside border. Only then is it ready
for a number of projects...
... and yes, I try to clean this particular mask after using it with acrylic paint, because it has numerous small openings that could easily get clogged ....
Above: An imprint left behind after this mask has been cleaned.
But since none of my cleaning jobs is perfect, what ultimately happens is that my masks and stencils become stained ...
with results that I see as works of art, in and of themselves:
Above: Example 1 of this mask stained with a collection of acrylic paints.
Above: Example 2 of this mask stained with a collection of acrylic paints.
Above: Example 3 of this mask stained with a collection of acrylic paints.
Okay; what art projects have made all that staining happen? See below:
I'm hoping these samples prompt some ideas for adventuring with abstract imagery via my just-released 6" x 6" mask
Looking Up Through Trees Small
And for further art-making explorations, I suggest pairing this new mask with the 9" x 12" version of
Looking Up Through Trees
. It looks like this:
Looking Up Through Trees
(9" x 12")
Many thanks for stopping by here today! To scroll thru the pages of my StencilGirl stencils and masks, please start
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