Monday, June 1, 2020


You don't have to be a math whiz to do this kind of subtraction -- more specifically, the subtractive technique.  (AKA the reductive technique.)  I do several variations of this method, but today I've chosen the variation that starts with acrylic paint and acrylic ink.

Taking an idea from Mary C. Nasser, I first covered an old nautical map with a layer of translucent, pale orange-yellow acrylic paint --

My next step -- after that first coat of paint had dried -- was to add a second layer, choosing bright magenta.  Instead of acrylic paint for the second layer, I used Dr. Ph. Martin's Bombay India Ink.  The photo below shows the altered map while this layer is being brushed on. 

Once this ink was dry, I fastened stencils to the surface with masking tape, and got out several masks and stencils -- 6"X 6" Silhouette of a Wildflower BouquetPalm Fronds Silhouette Small (6"X 6), Palm Fronds Silhouette Mini (4"X 4") and 9"X 12" Facets.

After taping the stencils to the altered map, I used a water-dampened paper towel to rub away the magenta ink that showed thru the openings on the stencils and masks.  A soft terrycloth rag would work, too. 

When the rubbing was done to my satisfaction, I lifted off the stencils and masks.  Below are the results after lifting off Facets (top) and Palm Fronds Silhouette Mini  4"X 4" (bottom.)

On the left are two 6"X 6" masks -- Palm Fronds Silhouette Small (top) and Silhouette of a Wildflower Bouquet (bottom) after the rubbing has been finished, but before the stencils have been lifted.

When finished using all my new stencils and masks with the subtractive technique, I had several results that I liked so much, I scanned them into Photoshop on my PC.  There, I altered the colors to create several versions of each; the results are below.  The first three were made with Silhouette of a Wildflower Bouquet (6"X 6").  The next three were made with my 6"X 6" mask Palm Fronds Silhouette Small.

A hearty thanks for coming to see my blog today!  To scroll thru the pages of my StencilGirl masks and stencils, please start here