Monday, June 15, 2020
Nancy Sanderson Curry and 4" x 4" HOT AIR BALLOON Stencil
Nancy Sanderson Curry -- one of my very special favorite artists as well as someone I consider a good friend -- has delighted me by sharing this artwork of hers; you will need to click on it to enlarge it since, for some reason, I can't re-size it to the size I normally use here.
And Nancy has graciously given me permission to show a clip of a how-to video she made. It shows her using a black Stabilo water-soluble pencil to heighten contrast on paper that started life as a Citrasolv print:
Below is another gorgeous piece by Nancy; this one is also done on a Citrasolv background--
In creating the above 2 artworks, Nancy used the stencil from my 4" x 4"
Hot Air Balloon
stencil and mask set, which looks like this:
Hot Air Balloons are available in two other sizes --
6" x 6"
and ATC-sized, as part of
ATC Mixup Swatton # 1
Be sure to check out Nancy's website
Below, I'm showing another artwork, this one of my own creation --
I used the same stencil-and-mask set that Nancy had, but I chose the mask that comes with the stencil. My background was a page from an old picture calendar. I placed the mask on the paper and, with a sponge brayer loaded with heavy-body aqua acrylic paint, coated the entire sheet with paint. After lifting off the mask and letting the paint dry, I cut out the print with
Fiskars Paper Edgers Scissors
, mounted it onto a double layer of paper, and added it to the cover of a blank greeting card. In the upper right, I embellished the card with a wooden heart that I had previously covered with stencil-printed paper.
Many thanks to Nancy Sanderson Curry for her generosity, and many thanks to you for coming to see my blog today! To scroll thru the pages of my StencilGirl stencils and masks, please start
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