Thursday, June 18, 2020
3 More Artists Working with My StencilGirl Stencils and Masks
Artist Jen Cameron has delighted me in saying that 9" x 12"
is her favorite stencil!
And more delight was in store at the sight of the umbrella that she decorated using this stencil as her last step. It really is beautiful!
Check out Jen's step-by-step photos and directions
series comes in 3 sizes -- 9" x 12" (the size Jen used) and 6" x 6" and ATC-sized.
Another of my 9" x 12" stencils was used by UK artist
Frieda Oxenham
, and her results are equally stunning:
Freida created the above eye-catching art with my 9" x 12" mask
Looking Up Through Trees
Last but far from least, artist Mary Bucek has used my 9' x 12" mask
Clustered Leaves
in two art projects shown below:
Clustered Leaves
itself looks like this--
My sincere thanks goes to Mary Bucek, Frieda Oxenham and Jen Cameron for graciously allowing me to re-post their art here!
And my thank-you goes to you too, for having stopped here today. To scroll thru the pages of my StencilGirl stencils and masks, please start
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