Thursday, October 3, 2019
Spotlight on StencilGirl Artists!
My hearty thanks goes to photographer/artist Kim Ross; she receives the credit for today's first photo, as well as the art it contains. Kim used StencilGirl "StencilGuts" in making the artwork labeled "epic." These
"StencilGuts" were created in StencilGirl's manufacture of my 6" x 6" stencil
Osprey Wings
6" x 6" stencil
Osprey Wings
In the lower left of the photo above, Kim has crafted an artwork using another 6" x 6" stencil of mine,
6" x 6" stencil
Thank you, Kim Ross!
And a warm thanks to artist Martie Rowen, who used my 6" x 6"
stencil in this eye-catching art journal spread --
What delights me most about this art of Martie's, is the fact that she embellished the heron's silhouetted shape, developing realistic-looking feathers, eyes, etc. The stencil itself looks like this --
6" x 6"
I thank Martie sincerely for reminding me, and everyone else, of the value of thinking outside the box -- or in this case, outside the outlines of a silhouette stencil! And for allowing me to show her art here.
Shifting gears ...
You can click on the image below to better see three prints (all in one photo) in gorgeous earthtones, all courtesy of artist Heather Baley. She made the prints using my 9" x 12"
Longwood Florals Mask
, shown partially at the right of Heather's photo.
Longwood Florals Mask
was designed to be used "right-side-up" -- as shown in Heather's photo above -- or "upside-down," as shown below.
In fact, if memory serves me correctly, the plant that inspired this mask was actually growing in the direction shown below!
Heather Baley, thanks so much for allowing me to show your artwork and your photo here!
Longwood Florals Mask
(9" x 12")
Longwood Florals Mask
was also chosen by Ju Misty, another artist/member of StencilGirl StencilClub, when she created a sequence of three Gelli Plate prints, which she has graciously allowed me to share here --
Above: Ju Misty created this 3-dimensional print following a tutorial previously posted in my blog; that tutorial can be reached
. A similar tutorial can be reached
Ju Misty, I thank you sincerely!
Last, but far from least, a thank-you goes to fellow StencilGirl designer Carolyn Dube, for the art shown below.
Today's final photo, above, was developed during an art retreat -- delightfully entitled Dancing with Your Muse -- facilitated by Carolyn Dube. One of the workshop participants, an artist named Chris, gets the credit for this exciting pair of orange, yellow and white prints, and the stencil she used was my 9" x 12"
Prayer Flags
, shown below:
9" x 12" stencil
Prayer Flags
The 2019 Dancing with the Muse art retreat has ended, but you can catch glimpses of it
-- and by scrolling down to the end of that post of Carolyn Dube's, you can learn how to get in on the ground floor for next year's retreat.
Thanks, Carolyn Dube, for letting me use a photo from your fun retreat!
And a thank-you to you, for having come to check out my blog today! To scroll thru the pages of my StencilGirl stencils and masks, please start
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