Sunday, October 6, 2019
Artwork in Progress
In the mood to launch a new idea, I got out a brand-new stretched canvas and drew a random series of shapes with brushes dipped into black acrylic paint.
Once that paint had dried, I used blue masking tape to cover 3 areas of the canvas with three stencils -- my 9" x 12"
, the 6" x 6" stencil from the May 2019 StencilClub set and my 9" x 12" stencil
. To better see the placement of these stencils, click on the image below to enlarge it ....
After lifting off the stencils, I had created what you see below:
Notice (above) that, with each stencil, I used only some of the stencil openings.
As each layer of paint dried, I re-used the stencils, placing them in a variety of positions, building up layers.
9" x 12"
9" x 12" stencil
Used in this project: the 6" x 6" stencil shown in the lower right above. This set is available
This project is ongoing. More black lines are coming!
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