Tuesday, August 15, 2017
More of my Older Stencils, Making New Appearances
Today's top print is a layered piece, with
having been used with blue acrylic paint in the lower layer , and
put to use in the upper red layer. Both stencils are 9" x 12".
also volunteered for other recent prints. The first print below was made by running a paint-loaded sponge brayer over the stencil ...
... and this second print, below, was made by flipping the paint-coated stencil upside-down and pressing it onto another sheet of paper.
Wrought Iron Gate
is another 9" x 12" stencil that I designed a few years ago, and its many uses have included Christmas cards and birthday cards in which I've used individual vertical sets of curls to represent candles.
The print below is not my best example, but it illustrates what I mean when I say that one vertical strip can be cut from a whole-image print and used to represent a candle. I've cut many of these strips and have created collaged flames to sit atop each of them.
Wrought Iron Gate
stencil in its entirety looks like this --
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