Saturday, August 12, 2017
A Few Older Stencils Make a Re-Appearance
A few of my older stencils have been clamoring for attention, so today they will be trotted out.
Below is a beautiful artwork-in-progress, showing my 6" x 6"
Feathers 6
stencil in action; and all credit goes to Kymona Tracey, a beautiful young woman who can be followed on her blog
Kreative Kymona
Now a complete change of pace: Below is a print made with (left)
Swatton Links
stencil (6" x 6") and (right)
Swatton Grid
stencil, also 6" x 6".
Above is a 6" x 6" greeting card cover, a simple green background and a cut-out marbled fan print that I'd made using
Two Fans
stencil. The stencil measures 9" x 12" and its two fans range in size. The stencil itself is shown below --
Today's post ends with a simple print I made using
Silhouette of a Wildflower Bouquet
, a 6" x 6" stencil --
Thanks for your visit today!
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