Monday, October 10, 2016

Encore, Lisa Dobry!

Oh yes, let's call Lisa Dobry back out to front stage!  Why?  A picture's worth a thousand words, and I have plenty of pictures here!  Lisa pulled all of these prints using my 9" x 12" stencil Tangled Pods in combination with my 6" x 6' stencil Heron.  She's used fall colors -- which I love -- and she's shown me how well these two stencils work together, much to my surprise and delight!

If I'm not mistaken -- Lisa, please correct me if I'm wrong -- I believe that the print below is the one she chose for decorating the inside of the pretty gift-box that she made recently, using Tangled Pods.

Lisa, I'm so very grateful you're letting me post these gorgeous prints here!