Friday, January 29, 2016

Jane Davies and the Gelli Plate

Back in November, I took an online workshop with Jane Davies, this one on the use of a Gelli Plate. 

Here are some of the early prints I pulled, following directions in the assignments:

This print was created for later use as a source of collage papers, so it will be cut into pieces as needed.

In the lower half of the above print, I used my 6"x6" stencil Mimosa 6.

In the next two prints below, I used the 9"x12" stencil Facets ...

The above assignment was to print a plain background using translucent paint and to overprint it with a stencil and a layer of opaque paint.

The assignment above called for doing the reverse -- a stenciled layer of opaque paint, overprinted with a translucent paint. 

Our assignment was to make two more examples of the same exercise, so this time I used my 9"x12" stencil Prayer Flags --

It was a fun project because it introduced me to flipping back and forth between opaque and translucent paints.  I had never tried that; this was my first time to ever use opaque paint on a Gelli Plate.

In another assignment for this workshop of Jane's, I used one of my favorite stencils by Maria McGuire, Doodle It Tornado Bloom --

This stencil's imprint is the star of the show inside the big central green square, above.