Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Using Scissors on L791 PALM FRONDS SILHOUETTE Mask (9" x 12")
My newest StencilGirl mask, 9" x 12" L791
Palm Fronds Silhouette
, is one of my stencils and masks that can be divided into pieces, each piece unique and interesting in its own right.
Here's just one possible way to divide the mask--
But I encourage you to let your imagination guide where your scissors whack into the stencil!
Altering stencils is an easy way to make a stencil or a mask exclusively your own.
Using pieces of this mask has given me the below print--
-- and more ... Below is a series of photos showing a work-in-progress. Its early stages were all created with pieces of L791.
full size view
close-up detail
close-up detail
My sincere thanks for stopping by here today! To scroll thru the pages of my StencilGirl masks and stencils, please start
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