Sunday, May 3, 2020
Using All 3 PALM FRONDS SILHOUETTE Masks Together
Since the release of 9" x 12"
Palm Fronds Silhouette L
my palm-fronds series of masks now comes in three sizes --
Palm Fronds Silhouette Mini
-- 4" x 4"
Palm Fronds Silhouette Small
-- 6" x 6"
9" x 12"
Palm Fronds Silhouette L791
I'd dreamed of using these three masks together ever since I started to design 9" x 12" L791
Palm Fronds Silhouette
And now that this new mask is released, I'm delighted with the possibilities!
And I've used all three in creating today's art project.
My first step was to loosely make a print with L791
Palm Fronds Silhouette
using black acrylic paint and dark brown acrylic ink on gallery-wrap stretched canvas. Because I wanted a loose image, I diluted both media with generous amounts of water.
After that first layer dried, I placed both the smaller masks on the canvas and, again generous with the addition of water, created the image below with red acrylic paints and inks --
I could have gone in lots of different directions with this piece, but in the end I made an abrupt U-turn by covering most of the canvas with a layer of gold metallic acrylic paint.
I gave the gold paint time to dry and cure; then I got out scisssors, whacked apart several papers, and layered these bits together to form a collage on this shiny new background.
What I like about this finished piece is that the outlines of all three palm-fronds-themed masks are still clearly visible, peeking thru the paper-bits collaged over them. Directly below is the entire piece; it's followed by close-up shots that more clearly show these outlines.
The three detailed close-up shots:
BTW, if some of the above collage papers look familiar, it's because I cut some of them from the original hand drawing that I'd made when designing my 9" x 12" mask
Loopy Ladders
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