Sunday, March 1, 2020
Part 1 -- Parade of Stencil-Using Stars!
Launching today's post is the artist Karen P. Johnson, who tickled me in commenting that my 9" x 12" mask
Prayer Flags
is an art-tool that "covers a multitude of sins!" Karen used this stencil in creating the two-page art journal spread below. Be sure to click on this image to better see its details -- and to better enjoy the rich color blends that Karen has achieved! (She makes it look easy!)
Karen created another delicious color-blend in developing this art --
-- and once more, I encourage clicking on this image to enlarge it and better see details. Here Karen used my 6" x 6"
Palm Fronds Silhouette Small
in addition to other stencils and masks available at
. Karen's artworks were done in her 11 3/4" x 17 3/4" moleskin art journal. (Would I ever love to get my hands on that!)
Notice how Karen has made her colors almost literally shine!
Moving happily onward...
Professional photographer
Kim Ross
doubles an artist; it was she who made the indigo-and-white print in the lower right of the photo below. The photo, taken by a fellow member of StencilGirl's StencilClub, Teri O'Neill, shows Kim Ross' gift to Terri as part of the 2019 StencilGirl StencilClub Secret Santa exchange. My 9" x 12" mask
Garden Montage
is the art-tool Kim used in making this print:
Garden Montage
was also the mask of choice used by star-artist Lisa Dobry
when she created the art journal cover highlighted in the next three photos --
This is Lisa Dobry's Gelli Plate print in its original form. Notice the overlay-prints that create a rich depth! Lisa used 2 acrylic Golden brand paints, Sepia and Burnt Sienna.
Below are Lisa's two photos of the outside of the finished journal:
The front of Lisa's journal. Notice the sari ribbon that Lisa used as the icing on a wonderful cake!
The back of Lisa's journal.
To follow Lisa Dobry's art-making adventures, please check
Nancy Curry Sanderson, another of my all-time favorite artists and art teachers, has created the fantastic imagery below. I'm flattered that in doing so, Nancy started this masterpiece by using my 6" x 6" stencil
Dance of the Courting Cranes
Above: Nancy created a limited number of matted prints featuring this gorgeous artwork of hers.
this address
, under NANCY CURRY ART, you can find the process Nancy followed in creating the Dancing Cranes artwork.
, you can watch a short visual festival of artworks by Nancy.
This video
an absolute must-see
Below is an art journal page crafted by artist Sherie Weiser Eddy, who used my 6" x 6"
Silhouette of a Wildflower Bouquet
. Please do click on this image to enlarge it and better see the wonderful details! Sherie's approach was to create a page of wildly happy colors spattered together at random; then she placed
Silhouette of a Wildflower Bouquet
atop that riot of colors and used black paint to fill in the empty areas around the design.
I love this image so much that I intend to be a copycat one of these days!
Today's happy parade of artists ends with a focus on
Shel Cee
, who used modeling paste in working with my stencil
Pressed Leaves
(6" x 6") to build a delightful background in this artwork --
-- and you can watch her process
A bouquet of thank-yous to each and every fellow artist who has graciously allowed me to include their artwork here!
And many thanks to you for coming to check out my blog today! To scroll thru the pages of my StencilGirl stencils and masks, please start
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