Friday, February 21, 2020
Embossing Paper with Stencils & Masks! Step-by-step Directions at StencilGirlTalk Today!
Do you love embossed papers and want a quick, easy way to make your own?
I wrote today's how-to article at
-- check it out
, where you can read
how-to details, with step-by-step directions and photos. You can create your own embossed papers using stencils, masks and a product called Solvy!
The above issue of
shows a number of my papers embossed with Solvy -- using StencilGirl stencils and masks.
Another of those papers is below. It's a leftover piece since part of it was already used in a collage.
The paper above was embossed using my 6" x 6" stencil
6" x 6" stencil
To get the full effect of these embossed papers, it's necessary to run your fingertips across them, to better appreciate the depressed areas and the raised areas. My photos can't bring that tactile sensation across, but it's one of my favorite things about embossed papers -- they are as much perceived by touch as they are by eyesight.
Above: a collage greeting card cover. The background centerpiece is embossed Solvy. The mask used for the embossing was my 6" x 6"
Trivet A
Below is a photo of a stretched canvas that I'm using as a base for building this collage-in-progress. You can click on the image to enlarge it. Outlined in red is a piece of Solvy that I've embossed using StencilGirl's
Circle Tile Stencil
, designed by Mary Beth Shaw.
The piece shown above was cut from a full-size sheet of stencil-embossed Solvy. The rest of that piece is below:
I was still learning when I embossed this sheet using Mary Beth's stencil, so it has holes where I added too much water. But in this case, I think the holes add to the character of the piece, and I can't wait to use it in a future collage!
Below are more art samples created with Solvy embossed papers and my own StencilGirl stencils and masks --
Above: The embossed lines created with my 9" x 12"
Mimosa Stencil
begged me to cut part of this green embossed paper into a Christmas tree shape.
9" x 12"
Mimosa Stencil
Above and below are two greeting card covers decorated with cut-outs from my Solvy paper embossed with my 9" x 12" mask
Garden Montage
9" x 12" mask
Garden Montage
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Stay tuned for tomorrow's continuation of art samples made with my
brand-new collection of
18 images
-- mostly stencils, with several bonus masks included -- all sized for creating Artist Trading Cards!
ATC Mixup 1
(9" x 12")
ATC Mixup 2
(9" x 12")
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