Wednesday, December 4, 2019
More Christmas Giftbags and Cards
Today's first art sample is a giftbag decorated with a print on red foil cardstock, made with silver metallic acrylic paint and my 4" x 4" stencil
Fern Fronds Silhouette Stencil Mini
After using my Pioneer brand Embellishment Gluestick to add this cut-out to the white giftbag, I added a flourish using Rangers Industries' glitter glue. Below is an enlargement showing part of the flourish.
Altho it's not visible in the next two photos below, I used the same glitter glue to add similar flourish lines around the trees--
The giftbag above features cut-outs from prints made with my 6" x 6" stencil
and (the bottom layer of the tree)
Sassy Spray
, another 6" x 6" stencil. And the glue glitter embellished
giftbag below features a cut-out from a print I made on gold and white marbled paper, using my 6" x 6" stencil
Mimosa 6
and I like to think this pattern makes a good Christmas tree!
another giftbag decorated with a print made with silver metallic acrylic paint and my 4" x 4" stencil
Fern Fronds Silhouette Stencil Mini
*In their entirety,
Sassy Spray
look like this:
Sassy Spray
Above: A Christmas card candle
made with gold metallic acrylic paint and my 4" x 4" stencil
Fern Fronds Silhouette Stencil Mini
The flame is cut from a print made with my 6" x 6" mask
-- shown above
Below: Another Christmas card made with silver metallic acrylic paint and my 4" x 4" stencil
Fern Fronds Silhouette Stencil Mini
Plain paper giftbags are available
and in some brick-and-mortar art and craft supply stores.
I do my stencil-print cut-outs using freehand original drawings, but for anyone who would rather use a stencil to make shapes of this kind, one helpful stencil is
. Another is
. And
. And
. And
. And
Thanks for stopping at my blog today! To scroll thru the pages of my StencilGirl stencils and masks, please start
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