Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Have you ever stood in a park or forest and looked up thru trees? -- did you have a "John Muir moment," when the glory of creation brought sweet joy into your heart?
, you can grab hold of my brand-new 9" x 12" stencil that I drew to celebrate the feeling that can fill me when I get a chance to take in this view; it looks like this --
Looking Up Through Trees
In the first two art samples here today, I used another StencilGirl 9" x 12" stencil,
Figures Praising
, designed by Valerie Sjodin (one of my all-time favorite artists, whose work I had followed long before, to my delight, she became a fellow designer at StencilGirl!)
The praising figure in the foreground
Figures Praising
, designed by Valerie Sjodin -- was cut from a print I'd made using my stencil
Blooming Where Planted
. You can click on this image to enlarge it and better see detail.
The small hearts added to each of the praising figures were cut out with a hole punch.
Moving on ....
Below: First, I'll show a few "catch-all sheets" which will eventually become fascinating backgrounds for stencil printing ....
Above are just a few examples of the kinds of papers used in my tree prints shown today.
These "catch-all" sheets accumulate when I'm working on large projects and need to clean my brush. I wipe the brush clean across scrap papers, rather than rinse it in water that later goes down the sink. This approach is a better way to go, in helping protect the environment.
Now, I'll show a series of full-page prints paired with close-ups showing details of each full-sized 9" x 12" print. I made this series to demonstrate the wide range of looks that can be achieved when you use this brand-new stencil atop paper previously used as a "catch-all" paper for leftover acrylic paints.
Original full-size 9' x 12" print.
Details in a close-up.
Original full-size 9' x 12" print.
Close-up detail number 1
Close-up detail number 2.
Original full-size 9' x 12" print.
Details in a close-up.
Grabbing up one of these jazzy-background tree prints, I cropped off the top and used the bottom on a greeting card of "booklet"-size (5 1/2" x 8 1/2") ....
More ways of using this just-released 9" x 12"stencil -- starting with a three-dimensional project -- will be posted soon!
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