Monday, September 9, 2019
GARDEN MONTAGE 9" x 12" Stencil and FERN FRONDS SILHOUETTE MINI Stencil (4" x 4")
Garden Montage
(9" x 12") stencil gets employed pretty often around here!
Above: I often use foreign newsprint as backgrounds for my prints. I like the background that peeks thru, here and there.
Above is a print that I made on marbled paper. (I purchased this paper already marbled -- lacking the patience to do it myself!)
Above is a print made on plain paper.
After I've collected a lot of prints, I cut them into pieces for use as collage elements -- either on stretched canvas, or on greeting cards. (I usually buy the greeting card blanks at; another good company is LCI.)
Below are two greeting cards assembled this way --
Below is an example of a stencil print that's been cut to a smaller size and used in a collage on a canvas. This a close-up detail shot. The canvas as a whole is still being developed. The stencil used here is
Fern Fronds Silhouette Stencil Mini
(4" x 4".)
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