Tuesday, August 6, 2019
CLUSTERED LEAVES ... and Friends
I love it when someone else's stencil strikes me as a perfect match with one of my own! This happened when I saw Jamie Fingal's 9" x 12"
Leaf Zen Landscape Stencil!
The scissors came out: I trimmed Jamie's stencil and cut pieces from my 9" x 12"
Clustered Leaves
Then I brought out the Golden's High Flow acrylics and got to work ... I mean, play!
The technique I used is the same as a technique in the
Absentee Artist
chapter of
Creative Paper Art,
a book by Nancy Welch. And it's demonstrated in Pat Dews' DVD
Designing Great Starts with Texture and Form.
Clustered Leaves
was also used by an artist whose last name I have, sadly, lost! -- Christy Anne. Her artwork appears directly below. If anyone knows Christy's last name, please leave it in the Comments section, so I can give credit where credit is due!
Another artist -- Dee Spillane -- has used
Clustered Leaves
in creating the artwork below --
Both of the above artists have shown us how stencils like
Clustered Leaves
can be art-tools for developing unique backgrounds!
Below are close-ups of a couple of artworks of mine, done on stretched canvas, using cut-apart pieces of
Clustered Leaves
Loopy Ladders
. Once again, I've paired
Clustered Leaves
with another stencil that uses line-work in its overall design ....
In a few of these pieces on canvas, I've added pieces of the stencils themselves, cut apart and stained with acrylic paints.
Thanks for stopping by here today!
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