Wednesday, July 31, 2019
When Stencils Meet Collage
Stencils and collage? So glad you asked!
Ivy Frame 6
a 6" x 6" stencil, struck me as a good way to embellish the collage below. Its bottom layer is a Gelli Plate print. Over that, I developed a collage using red-orange paper, blue-green-yellow mottled paper and foreign script from an old book. Next came the big blue oval, painted with matte medium-diluted acrylic paint. (Some artists dilute acrylics with water; I use a colorless liquid medium instead, usually opting for matte rather than glossy.)
Last, I added a crown of ivy using dark green acrylic paint.
Ivy Frame 6
itself looks like this--
Below is a simple collage that incorporates a background paper that I made with acrylic paint and a scraper. Using a stencil in this way is shown
this video of mine
. The stencil used here was my 6" x 6"
itself looks like this --
Still a different approach to the marriage of stencils and collage is a quick and easy one: Make a lot of stencil-prints using assorted colors and papers. Then cut up the papers and combine them. Each of the collage pieces below was cut from a print made with
Garden Montage
, a 9" x 11" mask.
Garden Montage
in its entirety looks like this:
Once in a while, I alter a paint-stained stencil with scissors, then use it as an element in a mixed-media collage --
The collage above began with diluted paints on Yupo. After those paints dried, I added the stained stencil, 6" x 6"
Sassy Spray
. (Heavy matte medium gel was the adhesive I chose.) The last step was to add a couple of small bits of paper in the upper left.
Sassy Spray
, before it meets paint stain and scissors, looks like this--
With the art sample below, I'm circling back to an artwork like the one at the top of this post. This is another collage that started with prepared background paper -- in this case, prepared with acrylic paints, texture-making tools and a squeeze bottle of fabric paint. Over that, I added an old print of mine, created back when I was carving my own rubber stamps. (Seeing this collage makes me want to dig out that eye rubber stamp to use it again!) Over that base, I added four pieces of paper. The fourth piece, printed in bright red-orange-purple on blue, is actually a silhouette of a human figure. This figure is more easily recognized when you click on the image below to enlarge it.
The human figure above (red and blue, lower right) was cut from a print made with
Small Tangled Pods
, a 6" x 6" mask.
Small Tangled Pods
looks like this --
Above: Today's final collage, which includes black-and-white spattered papers printed with 9" x 12"
Mimosa Stencil.
Mimosa Stencil
itself looks like this --
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