Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Quick Prints with Just-Released 4" x 4" Stencils/Masks
While making plans to celebrate Independence Day -- or if you're in the Detroit-Windsor area, the Freedom Festival -- maybe you can take a little time to make a few simple prints with my brand-new mini stencils/masks,
R and E m268
M and Y m267
each 4" x 4".
The prints below took just minutes to create:
M and Y m267
M and Y m267
was actually plain paper that I had placed under
M and Y m267
to clean it!
This sheet of cardstock is a background-to-be for a future project. The stencil used in the upper right is
M and Y m267
M and Y m267
R and E m268
R and E m268
R and E m268
Bottom layer printed with 6" x 6" stencil
Trivet A
. Top layer overlapping prints:
M and Y m267
R and E m268
Thank you for coming to see my blog today! To scroll thru the pages of my StencilGirl stencils and masks, please start
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