Friday, May 24, 2019
MIMOSA Stencils -- 6" x 6" & 9" x 12"
Oh how I love mimosa! The seasonal blooms -- each looking like a ballerina's pink tutu -- and the wonderful symmetry of the leaves that line the branches!
I developed two StencilGirl stencils to celebrate this love, one 6" x 6" and the other 9" x 12". It was the 6" x 6"
that I used in developing the background below ...
... and I created the pink-and-blue collage element with my 9" x 12" stencil
Garden Montage
Below is a print made with my 9" x 12"
and another 9" x 12" stencil,
I like the way these two patterns blend--
Today's third image isn't nearly as calm as the one above! It was developed with molding paste as a bottom layer; after that dried, I went over it with acrylic paints and gels in a lively combination of colors.
Above: created with 6" x 6"
My next one brings us back to the subtle look. The print below was made with
my 9" x 12"
I want to show another creation that was developed with molding paste as the first step. After I used an art spatula to spread the paste thru
the 6" x 6"
stencil, I set it aside to dry. Later, I used Art Bar water-soluble crayons followed by matte acrylic gel --
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