Friday, March 1, 2019
Step-by-Step Photos
Today's post focuses on a 3-dimensional project that's still in the works.
Its base is a stretched canvas that I coated with two colors of acrylic paint.
After that paint had dried, I used masking tape to secure two of my stencils to the canvas; then, with a plastic artist's spatula, I spread molding paste thru both stencils. (A credit card works just as well for this step.)
Above: the top stencil is
Mimosa 6
, which measures 6" x 6", and the bottom stencil is its "big sister" stencil,
, which measures 9" x 12".
Below: the stencils have been lifted off the canvas and placed into a basin of water, to keep the paste from hardening on them. Later, I would lift the stencils from the water and wipe them clean with paper towels.
After the paste has had time to dry completely -- and no longer feels "cool" to the touch -- I used the spatula to place opaque white acrylic paint and orange acrylic paint onto a disposable plate. I mixed the two colors only slightly. With the same spatula, I spread this paint across part of the raised images, as shown below.
The photo above shows that my next step was to start brushing green liquid acrylic paint onto selected areas.
Below, another photo shows more green being introduced, this time in the form of Golden High Flow Acrylic paint.
The photo above shows a close-up of the artwork at this stage of its progress. The photo below is another close-up, of a different area --
I diluted white acrylic paint and spattered it across part of the surface. Two close-ups below show this spatter --
This is as far as the work has progressed. Now I've set it aside to await further inspiration!
Many thanks for visiting my blog today!
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