Sunday, January 20, 2019
GARDEN MONTAGE 9" x 12" Stencil -- Art from Nancy Sanderson Curry & Yours Truly
Headlining this post is a beyond-gorgeous image sent to me by its artist-creator, Nancy Sanderson Curry --
Nancy created the original artwork with alcohol inks. Then, using the Snapseed app in her smartphone, she digitally manipulated the image and added the line of text (center right). To better see the beautiful details, click on the above image to enlarge it.
The stencil Nancy used in developing her original artwork was my 9" x 12"
Garden Montage
Below are some art samples I've created with prints made using this stencil ...
I'm always amazed by how much variety can come from one stencil!
Many bouquets of thanks to Nancy Sanderson Curry -- be sure to check out her video
And thank you for stopping by this blog today.
To scroll thru the pages of my StencilGirl stencils, please start
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