Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Artist Kate Palmer doing Fantastic Work with 4" x 4" Stencil PALM FRONDS SILHOUETTE MINI
this link
, you can travel back in time to a now-ended blog hop that featured a full line-up of artists, including Kate Palmer. Kate delighted me by using one of my stencils -- 4" x 4"
Palm Fronds Silhouette Mini,
-- along with Lindy's art-making powders and sprays. (In Kate's top photo below, you can also see her using the Colorbox Stylus Tool for pressing color thru stencil openings -- in this way, she gets a print with all the fine details of the stencil.) Kate's results were breathtaking!
to see Kate Palmer's step-by-step demo-video.
Many thanks to Kate! And to you my blog readers!
To scroll thru the pages of my StencilGirl stencils, please visit
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