Sunday, June 3, 2018
Reasons for Pre-Printed Backgrounds for Stencil Printing
Why do I like using pre-printed papers -- foreign newspapers, old maps, old encyclopedia pages -- for making my stencil prints?
Whether I'm preparing backgrounds for art-journal pages, developing scrapbooking projects, or creating greeting cards, I think that:
(1) Pre-printed backgrounds offer bonus visual appeal because some original areas of the background will remain visible, altho veiled, in the finished art.
(2) If I want to cut out the stenciled image, these pre-printed lines of text give me handy guidelines, so I can make straight (or nearly straight) cuts. (If working on a collage on a large canvas, I may not want straight-line cuts. But I like having this option.)
In the print below, it's easy to see that I used lines of Chinese characters as my guidelines for keeping my image straight while I made the print. This print was made with
Hot Air Balloon Mask and Mini
. (This is one of my two hot air balloon stencil-and-mask sets. These sets are identical except for size.)
In making the print below, I used my 9" x 12" stencil
-- and a page from an old book of sheet music --
Below, with my 4" x 4" stencil
Fern Fronds Silhouette Mini
, I gave new life to part of an old map ....
Mikki's Flowers
, a 6" x 6" stencil, came in handy when I wanted to make the greeting card below. Its background is a paint-tinted page from an old encyclopedia; the original page featured a flower illustration, so I felt it was a good match.
Mikki's Flowers Mask
is also 6" x 6". Its design is identical with the stencil featured above.)
Webbed Medallion
, another 6" x 6" stencil, ended up being used like a rubber stamp -- but that was step 2 in a 2-part printing session.
Step 1: Using an old nautical map (garage sale purchase) as my substrate, I laid down my 6" x 6" stencil
Webbed Medallion
then went over it with a sponge roller loaded with heavy body acrylic paint --
Above: an example of rolling a sponge brayer across heavy body acrylic paint to collect a generous load of paint.
with the result below --
After I'd made the above print, the brayer was still heavily loaded with paint.
So -- Step 2 -- I quickly lifted the stencil, flipped it over, and pressed it to another area on the substrate. Below is the print that resulted.
One application of paint; two very different results ... with pre-printed backgrounds to make every image more interesting!
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