Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Does Anyone Know?
The art journal page below appeared in
The Scoop
e-newsletter in April 2017. Does anyone know the artist who created this piece? I would love to give credit where credit is due!
The unknown artist used my 9" x 12" stencil
Swatton Borders #3
. And used it very creatively! I'm hazarding to guess that this artist did the same thing I've done with my
series of stencils. Each stencil in the series contains three borders. I find it easier to use them if I cut the borders apart.
I think this artist took that idea one huge step farther. In the artwork above, I see that one of the borders has been turned several ways during its use down the art journal page; and it's been used to create mirror-image combinations that I find fascinating and gorgeous.
The original stencil looks like this:
Swatton Borders #3
The unknown artist used the border on the far right.
I'm always delighted when I find someone using one of my stencils in a creative way that had never occurred to me!
I'm happy to say that I've designed 70 stencils for StencilGirl. The multiple pages of my stencils start
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