Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Gwen Lafleur and NOSEGAY STENCIL!
Gwen Lafleur
, one of my fellow designers at
, has delighted me by choosing -- among many of the StencilGirl choices -- my 9" x 12"
Nosegay Stencil
in a unique way, which I'm happy to share here.
In the first shot below, Gwen shows her application of gold metallic acrylic paint through selected areas of my stencil; her surface is an elaborate artwork-in-progress showing intricate detail -- which she has created using several StencilGirl stencils.
Above and below are close-up details showing flowers and stalks made with my stencil.
To see Gwen's full-length step-by-step demo of the technique she used to develop this gorgeous artwork, visit
Nosegay Stencil
itself looks like this:
You can follow Gwen Lafleur
... and you can see my full line of stencils
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