Sunday, June 11, 2017
Mary Ann Russo's Vintage Art Journal -- Another Page in Progress, with Another Stencil
Now to showcase artwork by other artists! Today's featured art-maker is my friend Mary Ann Russo, who's been working on an art journal with a vintage theme. She's been using 300-lb. watercolor papers, which she will bind together in making her own book.
Mary Ann's dimensional art, shown in two shots below, was made with Liquitex flexible modeling paste, acrylic paints and my 9" x 12" stencil
Vintage Script
The full-page spread --
A close-up:
To see more detail, especially in the sculpted, "old-plaster" look achieved by Mary Ann, you can click on the above images to enlarge them.
Vintage Script
stencil itself looks like this:
My thanks to Mary Ann Russo for allowing me to show her artwork here!
You can browse all my stencils, old and new,
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The "subscribe" feature, on the upper left, will be disabled June 14.
A special technique, with step-by-step photos and directions, will appear here July 5, 6 and 7. Hope you can come visit!
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