Tuesday, May 2, 2017
For today's post ... I'd had some background paper already prepared; it had been printed a pale orange-yellow on a Gelli Plate.
Previously, I'd also "liberated" my 9" x 12" stencil
Loopy Ladders
from its outer border. After that, I had cut the liberated stencil roughly into halves.
I had designed the stencil so that it would be possible to do both these alterations and still keep all the individual "ladders" intact.
After placing the halved, frameless stencil onto my orange-yellow paper, I sprayed it with cranberry-mauve watercolor.
I hope this shows the beauty of a liberated stencil -- I like the way the edges now have an irregular shape. To my eye, it's more interesting this way...
Above is the painting. You can click on this image to enlarge it and better see details.
Above is what the
Loopy Ladders
stencil looks like, before being surgically altered.
I use
Joyce Chen scissors
to cut my stencils; being very sharp, with short blades, they're perfect for this delicate job.
To see all my stencils, please visit
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