Friday, October 14, 2016
BLOOMING WHERE PLANTED -- Crackle with Stencils
The close-up details shown below are part of a larger work-in-progress on wraparound (gallery wrap) canvas. Because it is an unfinished work, I know that I will be covering these imprints with layers of translucent paint, to enrich and perhaps change the colors. These, like a similar one posted yesterday, were made with my new 9"x 12" stencil
Blooming Where Planted,
which I have now cut into three pieces, to make them more easily used separately from one another.
Clicking on the above photos to enlarge them, you may be able to detect the subtle crackling of the top layer of paint.
There are many crackling kits out there, but I did this crackling on my own.
A dry layer of acrylic paint had been the base. Over that, I brushed on a layer of matte medium liquid. While it was still tacky, I added a layer of slightly diluted Titan Buff Golden Fluid Acrylic. As the layer of matte medium liquid dried, crackle formed in the Titan Buff top layer of paint.
Blooming Where Planted
looks like this:
Thanks for stopping by to see one of my three just-released stencils!
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