Saturday, April 16, 2016
MAP STENCIL Magic, thanks to Mary C Nasser!
Here's a short story about omelets and a 9"x12" stencil by
Mary C. Nasser
At the risk of making some people wince, moan and turn pale as I bring up this subject again, the abiding fact is this: I long ago decided that, to end up with an omelet, you have to break some eggs.
What has this to do with Mary's
Map Stencil
I think it opens up wonderful creative avenues -- pun intended -- when you take a leap of faith and start cutting up stained stencils for use as collage pieces.
Mary's gorgeous brand-new stencil emerges from the laser looking like this...
... but ages ago, after I had used it in an art project with thick metallic gold acrylic paint, the stencil became so beautifully coated that I decided (1) I would never clean it and (2) one day I would cut it up.
That day has come.
Photos will follow soon!
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