Friday, March 20, 2015
Since today we're having yet another snowfall (4-5 inches predicted), I am determined to THINK SPRING!
I started today's project with a dark background on a sheet of 140-lb. watercolor paper slightly larger than my 9"X12" stencil
. The background below is not identical to the one I used, but it's very similar.
Next, I altered the background paper with Titanium White acrylic paint. I applied the paint using a cosmetic sponge (lower left corner, below) thru the
stencil, which I'd secured with green masking tape.
Below is the background paper with the stencil lifted off.
Below is the same paper, after I added an overcoat of translucent pale green acrylic paint.
Below is a close-up of a section of this paper, where I've followed the original lines to mark off several rectangles and one circle.
My next step was to cut along those outlined shapes. Then I assembled them to form a flower.
I auditioned several new background papers to see which I liked best as the base of the flower collage.
My favorite is the middle one. Yours?
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