Monday, September 2, 2013
An Art Journal Page Designed with Part of One Border on the 3-Part "Borders 1" stencil, Soon to be Released
In this facsimile of an art journal page, the background paper was created by monoprinting, as detailed in the post below this post.
After this background paint has dried, the next step is to place over it one of the three borders in my soon-to-be-released 9"X12" stencil
Borders 1
.) In this particular example, I took the option of using only part of the border -- this border-design includes decorative bars; these decorative bars can either be included -- or, as shown here, the bars can be masked off (on the stencil itself, using masking tape.) This is just one example of the creative freedom that's part of the fun of art-making with stencils.
Borders 1
To watch a video of monoprinting using a sheet of glass or Plexiglas, go to:
Note that the speaker on this video says you have the option of using "open acrylic" paints to prolong the printing time and to facilitate easier lifting of the finished monoprint. I agree this is a good idea for beginners. These samples of mine, however, were created with normal acrylic paints. I started using open acrylics when I bought my Gelli Plate.
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