Thursday, September 5, 2013
Steampunk and Other New Stencils -- Available Now!
I've designed three more stencils now available under "New Stencils" at
... and below I'm showing stencil-and-stain prints on Yupo that I made, using spray watercolors with these stencils:
My stencil "Trivet 9X12" was used for the above print; click on the image to enlarge it.
"Trivet B", a 6"X6" stencil, was used for the above print; click on the image to enlarge it.
The stencil "Trivet A 6X6" was used in the above image, side-by-side with the stencil "Trivet C" (which also measures 6"X6".)
Above, the stencil "Steampunk 9"X12" was used in making this print.
Find it here:
Trivet A and Trivet B (both measuring 6"X6") are found here -- on the first page of "New Stencils"--
Trivet C (6"X6") and the 9"X12" trivet stencil are coming soon to
, under "New Stencils."
The stencil-and-stain technique is wonderfully easy. It can be used on a number of substrates -- Yupo, as I've done here; it can also be used on pre-stretched canvas, as I showed in an earlier post (under "Older Posts" below); and it can be done on hot-press watercolor paper (which has a surface smooth to the touch); and finally, it can be done on glossy cardstock.
The substrate of choice is placed on a flat surface with a protective layer of newspapers underneath. If the substrate is a flimsy material, like cardstock or lightweight watercolor paper, it should be fastened down, along the edges, with masking tape.
The stencil is placed on top, flat against the substrate. Over the stencil, spray liquid watercolors. I've used full-strength watercolors as well as watercolors diluted with water. I've also used spray acrylics which I have first diluted with water.
The color will seep under the stencil; you can encourage additional spreading of color by spraying with water in a mister.
Leave the stencil on overnight. Check the next day by lifting one corner. If the paint has dried, lift the stencil all the way off. If the paint is still damp, replace the corner of the stencil and wait longer.
Paper and canvas will dry fairly fast, depending on local humidity level. Glossy cardstock may take a little longer. Yupo will take the longest.
After removing your stencil, you can use it to make a "ghost print" with the leftover paint that is still clinging to the stencil's plastic surface. Just place the stencil on a new substrate and mist it with water. Repeat the waiting time. This second print is called "ghost" because it comes out lighter.
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