Friday, February 22, 2013
Just Posted at -- my Stencil "Kaleid"
I'm dying to finish my first attempt at one of the techniques for stencil-use presented at Cindy Powell's blog --
-- but while my bottom coat of paint dries, I'll post two techniques for using
, the latest of my stencil designs (listed under "New Stencils") posted at
Below is a "ghost print" (the second print) I created using
and a Gelli Printing Plate.
There is a lot of online instruction on this type of monoprinting...
Using stencils is one way in which to use a Gelli Printing Plate or a homemade gelatin printing plate.
Videos and other tutorial information can be found at these web addresses:
Homemade Gelatin Printing Plates
This video uses a variation of the technique I use.
The video mistakenly uses the word "stencil" -- and means to use the word "mask."
However, this technique-variation is worth a try -- using an actual stencil.)
Lots of helpful info is on the above web page, if you are using a homemade gelatin printing plate.)
The above web address explains using stencils and gelatin printing plates with fabric.)
In the above demo, the artist uses slow-drying acrylic extender mixed with her acrylic paints.
This is a common practice among printmakers.
Other options include "open acrylics" and printmaking inks; the latter come in oil-based versions and water-based versions.)
Gelli Gel Printing Plates (which is what I used in creating the above example)
Another image I'm posting today is a greeting card cover:
The Shadow Knows! To create an image like this, you will
need a strong flow of light through a window, or use another source.
Find a way to secure a stencil in a position that results in its shadow being cast.
The shadow can be cast across a flat surface as shown above -- or across someone's face, if you want to create an unusual photo portrait!
After taking a photo of the
stencil's cast shadow, I printed it, cut it out with fancy-cut scissors and glued it to a greeting card cover. On the lower right (difficult to see, here) I added a simple swirl of glitter glue.
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