Friday, January 11, 2013
2013 Monmouth Festival of the Arts
I was delighted to be accepted into the 2013 Monmouth Festival of the Arts, April 13 - 17, in the Fine Arts category. I won't know which of my six submissions will be on display until that information is posted --
-- in mid-month. But I do know it's time to choose some of the possible pieces to include among the allowed 10 portfolio pieces ... meaning that they will be wrapped in acetate and displayed in portfolio bins at the show, rather than wired for hanging. One to three of my original six submissions will be on display as hanging art on the walls of the gallery. And everything, of course, is to be labeled. I need to finish the preparations as soon as possible since I have another event coming up that will keep me occupied for awhile, prior to the festival.
Last year I was saddened to be passed over in the MFA, although I am glad that artists need to jury in there every year, each year with a different juror making the selections, so as to keep the quality of the artwork high, as well as to reflect a variety of artistic tastes. But then, less than a week ago, I learned that Jane Lux had also been passed over by last year's Fine Arts juror -- a discovery that nearly loosened my teeth. Jane Lux is a top-drawer watercolorist and her favorite subject, flowers, is a forever-favorite among collectors. Her website --
-- gives a glimpse of her exceptional skill, but as is often the case, seeing her artwork in person is an experience that allows the viewer to fully appreciate the nuances and subtlties that make her artwork truly gorgeous. Her colors glow like jewels.
During the two college years that I spent majoring in commercial art (now called graphic art) I did just enough watercolor painting to realize how very challenging this medium can be.
I have no doubt that this year, when I check the MFA website next week, I will find Jane's name right where I feel it deserves to be -- among the listed artists whose work will appear in the 2013 festival.
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